Please, consider donating funds or time. There are many ways to donate.

The activities of the Weekend of Chamber Music are supported in part by public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.
The activities of the Weekend of Chamber Music are supported in part by public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Kathy Hochul and the New York State Legislature.
The Sullivan Arts and Heritage Grant is administered by the Delaware Valley Arts Alliance
Grass Family Foundation
Hickory Hill Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Thalia and George Liberatos Foundation
Apple Pond Farms
Brain Bank
Callicoon Business Association
Callicoon Wine & Cheese
Catskill Brewery
ClearRite Pools
Dadras Architects
Dick’s Auto Sales
Dog Mountain Lodge
Delaware Valley Arts Alliance
family business, LLC
Forestburgh Playhouse
Freda Realty
Liza Phillips Design
Shadowland Theater
Shandelee Music Festival
Steve’s Music Center
Sullivan Performing Arts
Tonjes Farm Dairy
Western Sullivan Massage
Eddie Adams Farm
Jeffersonville, NY
Catskill Art Space
Livingston Manor, NY
The Cooperage
Honesdale, PA
Liberty Museum and Arts Center
Liberty, NY
(Jan 1, 2023 – Dec 31, 2023)
Angel ($5000 & above)
Paul & Linda Gridley
Dr. Don Simkin
Ricardo Castro & Daniel Light
Patron ($2,000 to $4,999)
Charles Petzold
Benefactor ($500 to $1,999)
Diane Balfour and Carl Adkins
Elaine and John Frank
Jean and Bill Klaber
Doris and Gert Kreibich
Stacy and Lee Margolis
Les Mattis, in memory of Rose B. Brown
Judith Pearce
Andrew Waggoner and Caroline Stinson
Sponsor ($250 to $499)
Charles Laven
Steve and Michiko Levine
Donor ($100 to $249)
Alyssa Adams
John and Genevieve Bagley
Elizabeth Berry and Paul Vazquez
Gary Berson
Dino and Fran Caterini
Carol and Richard Cherry
Robert Grant
Larry Grosberg
Curtis Harwell
Flora Hogman
Karen Judd
Gail Matheson
Janice Meyerson and Ray Scheindlin
Anne Solenski
John and Candy Steen
Friend ($26-$99)
Patricia Adams
Robert Burkhart
Helen Irving
Gail Matheson
Ron Nelson and Al Lees
Hanna Richardson
Susan Rosenthal
Enthusiast ($5 to $25)
Jeff Boote
Timothy Brown
Vera Farrell
Edith Gould
Alan and Dina Greenbaum
Herb Janow
Grace Marie and Jerome J Lanuti
Midge Maroni
Sanford Press and Charles Miller
Michel Singher
Maureen Velten
Thank you to our priceless volunteers in time, talent and lodging!
Carole Brzozowsky, Robert & Alexandra Burkhart, Edna Calkin, Rick & Carol Cherry, Daniel Light & Ricardo Castro, Robert & Mary Alice Dadras, Edie Downs, John and Elaine Frank, Colleen Freitas, Randy Harris, Julie Howard, Doris & Gert Kreibich, Judith Pearce, Hanna Richardson, Debra Segall, Brenda Sherman.
Don Simkin, Whistlewood Farm & Sonny’s Manor
John Wenk & Daniel Castellanos and the Art Mill
Sally Ann Parsons, Chimera House